3 days, 24 hours, max.10 person
Price: 33 000 HUF/person
Foglalkozunk azWe teach you the preparation and calculation of sheets, several bookbinding technics (stiching, sewing, adhesives) the making and decorating of soft and hard covers and the casing-in. We teach you the practics of different materials like leather, textile and spoungy covers: for example how to reapair your child’s favourite torn tale book and how to bind it in the granny’s old rosy housecoat.

We to teach methods, that you can use at home with your own every-day tools.

Previous appointment needed on:
Its cover makes the book’s first impression, so we have to make it special and impressive. Only some creativity needed for this, because we can make an ugly book for expensive and a nice one on a cheap way. On this course we teach you how to make a book, a booklet, an album from separate paper sheets. And we show technics for repairing and rebinding of old books fallen apart.

Phone: +36 20 219 1421
Opening hours: by appointment
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